Thursday, June 14, 2007

Yea, it's about Max again...

it's late and I should be in bed but no, instead I'm making an entry into this blog to point some of the strange things that have been happening since discovering Max impending birth.

It's almost as though this child has a specific mission, but don't we all? No, this is different. Somehow, this little child makes people giddy happy.

Oh what the heck, I'm going to say it... I feel like there is something extraterrestrial about Max. If you read the blog below this one, you'll see that I'm actually attempting to explain ETs as not being from space. Also, in blogs below you'll read that I'm considering atheism as a way of life. But I can't do either now--for some reason. I've changed my position on ETs and have renewed my faith in God. I feel like it's all due to Max but I don't know how, why and I don't think that it matters.

Max will be here in the next few weeks. Amy is starting to feel the baby slow down because there is less room to move around in. Amy will only stretch so much.

I can't help what I'm feeling. I know that I am impressionable and that I have a wild imagination. I don't know... we'll see what happens in the next few weeks when you

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