Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Scriptures according to Joseph in Gnosis.

I will use the word "God" for simplification to the reader. The word God has many translations, pick the one that you are most comfortable with. It may be Proximo, Maximus, Nirvana or umpty-squat--It doesn't matter what you call God. If you don't like the word God, don't use it, it's just a word that we use in the English language.

Question: What does God look like?
Answer: God doesn't look like anything. God has no form. God simply is, has been and always will be.
Recource: God is the state of the universe before the Big Bang. Astronomers discovered that the universe before the Big Bang was a perfect void of emptiness. Also, perfect and eternal until the chaos of the big bang created the universe we now exist in. In Buddhism, God is equated to attainment of Nirvana. Nirvana is a perfect state of existence that has no form but is only pure bliss and presence. God is also perfectly described in the Heart Sutra in Buddhism as having no form.

Question: Is God perfect?
Answer: Yes, as is a state of Nirvana.

Question: Would a perfect God make bad things hapen?
Answer: No, humans make bad things hapen. We are responsible for our own errors and errors of humanity--not God. God could not create anything that is not perfect.
Resource: The like from like principle - anything coming from God must be like God. God could not create anything that is not perfect or else, he wouldn't be perfect. The logic is flawless. If God is perfect and eternal, then by definition, anything he creates would also be perfect and eternal.

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