Tuesday, September 28, 2004

murphy again...

Damnit Murphy!

It looks like Murphy is at it again. Who the hell is Murphy anyway? He certainly appears to be perfectly positioned to screw up every project that I get my hands on, and usually when I least expect him... Is that how it works? Does a sense of self-implied urgency somehow usher in a higher probability of something going awry?

*A problem in probability.

Here's what I think is happening. Basically, the closer you get to a deadline, a solution or the finish line, the less options you have
available to attainment of said goal.


Life itself does not attain success the same way we do in our day to day functions. We force, push, torque and ram things to happen on a
forced and self-imposed schedule, nature does not work this way. There is no schedule that we would be familiar with. Any schedule that would exist is an agreement set between the universe and the planet and probably too complex for us to understand.


When we decide to perceive a relationship with failure, we've made an agreement to work with it. You will not be able to prevent failure but you can work with it.


In nature, differences in temperatures create tropical depressions which turns into a tropical storm and if the conditions persist, spawns a cyclone (hurricane). This wild an seemingly chaotic unit of destruction continues its path until it encounters conditions that do not support its continued existence. Once it encounters land, it can either dissipate into a storm or spawn tornadoes on land.

There is to this day no way to stop a cyclone or tornado. You simply get out of its way and work with it. We are forced to work with nature, the way other living creatures put up with us.

A more humerous example would be to create this simile. The hurricane
is like an angry wife and the helpless beach community is the idiot husband who just did something without thinking of the consenquences. How do you work with this?

You can argue with your wife (drop a nuke in the eye of the hurricane--it's been suggested) and make things worse--lying, pretending, saying "thank you" will not work either. Attempts to stop hurricanes can spawn a fury of other unknown problems that we may not be prepared to deal with in the way that your wife might remember
something you thought she forgot and bring it up while you're trying to stop that little cyclone.

Evacuation--that doesn't work either. The hurricane might return 28 days later--err, during hurrican season and do the damage it needs to do. The best way to work with a hurricane is to simply build stronger fortifications (tell the truth) and improve early warning systems(communicate with her).

There is no way to stop a hurricane any more that there is a way to stop an angry wife or girlfriend. You're doomed to its wrath and path. But you can work with it, wait for it to pass, understand how it works and avoid it and as such you can minimize the likelihood of Murphy helping her out.

--kirk out.


The Weather channel. 2002 . Forces of Nature. http://www.weatherchannel.com

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